The Department of Health today (May 30) warned people not to buy or use a brand of health product called「強力壯骨通痹靈」,originally known as「復方壯骨關節丸」(Qiangli Zhuanggutongbiling - originally known as Fufang Zhuangguguanjiewan), which was found to have contained undeclared Western drug ingredients that may cause side effects.
The appeal followed investigations by the department into a report by the Hospital Authority concerning the product. A 16-year-old girl, who had stomach pains after taking the product for her joint pain and stiffness. Her symptoms disappeared after she stopped taking the product. The product was purchased on the Mainland.
A department spokesman said that a sample of the product taken for laboratory tests was found to have contained Western drug ingredients - prednisone acetate (醋酸潑尼松), cortisone acetate (醋酸可的松), piroxicam (吡羅昔康) and diclofenac (雙氯芬酸).
Prednisone acetate and cortisone acetate are steroids. Their uses include suppression of inflammation and treatment of joint pain. Taking them orally for a long time can cause side effects such as moon face (round face), high blood pressure, high blood sugar and peptic ulcer.
Piroxicam and diclofenac are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are commonly used for treatment of joint pain. Their known side effects include gastro-intestinal discomfort, nausea, stomach pain and bleeding.
All these Western drug ingredients should only be used under medical supervision. They are classified as Third Schedule poisons under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance and can be sold only on a doctor's prescription and under supervision of a pharmacist.
The spokesman said the department has no record of the health product having been imported into Hong Kong for sale, or having been submitted for registration.
People who have been using the product are advised to stop taking them immediately and seek advice from their doctors if they feel unwell.
"People with arthritis should consult medical professionals for appropriate advice or treatment," the spokesman said.
They should dispose of the product or submit it to the department's Pharmaceutical Service at 3/F, Public Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon during office hours.
Reprinted from HKSAR Government web page: