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Warning on unsafe kitchen product

  • 2008.09.26

Unsafe kitchen productThe Customs and Excise Department today (September 26) urged the public to stop using an unsafe kitchen product.

The metal ring-shaped product was claimed to have the energy-saving function when fitted onto a flaming stove.

According to laboratory test results, the product would obviously increase the concentration of carbon monoxide released from the flaming stove by about three times in a matter of a few minutes, far exceeding the permissible limit of the safety standard under the Hong Kong Domestic Gas Appliances Basic Safety Assessment Requirements. The concentration of carbon monoxide kept rising during the test.

Inhalation of excessive carbon monoxide would cause headache, dizziness, nausea and even death.

Following up on a public report, Customs officers raided a stall in Yau Tong yesterday (September 25) and seized 106 of the products. The seized items were worth $3,180.

Samples were sent to an accredited laboratory for safety testing on the same day.

Customs investigation is continuing. A territory-wide spot check is being conducted.

Under the Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance, it is an offence to supply, manufacture or import into Hong Kong consumer goods unless the goods comply with the general safety requirement for consumer goods.

The maximum penalty for the offence is a fine of $100,000 and an imprisonment for one year on first conviction, and $500,000 and two years' imprisonment on subsequent convictions.

To report unsafe consumer goods, consumers may call the Customs 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or write to the Consumer Protection Bureau, Customs and Excise Department at 11/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point.

Reprinted from HKSAR Government web page: