The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (October 29) released the latest batch of results of melamine tests.
Results available today showed that 92 of the 93 samples tested were satisfactory. These included some milk, milk powder, eggs, baby food and flour.
The level of melamine detected in the unsatisfactory egg sample was 3.1ppm.
Under the Harmful Substances in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2008, the legal limit for melamine in the concerned products is 2.5ppm.
"The small-sized egg sample was taken from an importer in Western Wholesale Food Market. The CFS has sent a warning letter to the importer and asked it to stop selling the product with unsatisfactory results. We understand that the product in question is from Hubei Province and the processing plant is '荊州雙港畜禽養殖加工有限公司' (address: 中國湖北省公安縣金貓口207國道旁, production date: 6.10.2008, production batch number: 4200/D0700708451)," a CFS spokesman said.
"We have informed the food trade of the test results and asked them to stop selling the concerned product. We have also informed the Mainland authorities for follow up, and requested them to stop the concerned processing plant from exporting eggs and egg products to Hong Kong."
According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the safety reference value (i.e. tolerable daily intake - TDI) for melamine is 0.63mg per kg of body weight per day. For children under the age of three years, who are more sensitive to melamine, the TDI for melamine is 0.32mg per kg of body weight per day. Transient excursion above the TDI of melamine would have no health consequences provided that the average intake over a long period has not exceeded the TDI.
On the sample of medium sized egg which was detected with a melamine level of 3.1ppm, the spokesman said a child weighing 10kg (about three years old) would have to eat about 1.03kg (about 26 eggs, assuming the edible portion of a small-sized egg weighs around 39g) of the product a day to reach the TDI. An adult with average body weight of 60kg would need to consume about 12.19 kg (about 313 eggs, assuming the edible portion of a small-sized egg weighs around 39g) of the product a day before reaching the TDI.
"Based on the level detected, people are advised to stop consuming the product concerned.
"We have so far tested 96 egg samples, among which 62 are from the Mainland. A total of 93 have been found satisfactory. Test results for milk and milk powder, eggs, baby food and infant formula will be available tomorrow," a spokesman for the CFS said.
Information on the test results can be found on the CFS's website, People can also call the CFS's enquiry number 2381 6096 which operates from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays.
- Unsatisfactory results of testing of Melamine(Annex 1)
- Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine(Annex 2)
- Satisfactory results of testing of Melamine(Annex 3)
Reprinted from HKSAR Government web page: