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Recall of registered proprietary Chinese medicine with Western drug ingredient

  • 2010.11.09

WujigaoThe Department of Health (DH) today (November 9) urged members of the public not to buy or use a topical proprietary Chinese medicine (pCm) called "Wujigao" (Registration number: HKP-11063), as it was found to contain a western medicine, salicylic acid. The product is indicated for anti-inflammation, anti-pruritus, and pain relief.

The concerned product is manufactured in the Mainland and is imported by a licensed pCm wholesaler, Hong Kong Wah Sheng Medical Company Limited. DH has inspected the premises of the wholesaler, and demanded that all batches of the product be recalled from the market.

The appeal and recall order followed detection of a trace amount of salicylic acid (a chemical ingredient) in the product by the Government Laboratory during the DH's market surveillance.

According to the wholesaler, about 20,000 tubes of the product were imported in 2008. About 12,000 tubes have been supplied to the local market, and the remaining 8,000 tubes are still in the factory.

So far, no report has been received about consumers feeling unwell after using the product.

DH will closely monitor the recall while continuing with the investigation. The DH has also informed drug regulatory authorities on the Mainland about the incident.

The wholesaler has set up a hotline (2548 3811) to answer enquiries about the recall.

Consumers may submit the product to DH's Chinese Medicines Section at 2/F, Public Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon during office hours, or destroy them before disposal.

The spokesman reminded members of the public who possess the product to stop using it, and to seek advice from healthcare professionals if in doubt.

Reprinted from HKSAR Government: