Subsequent to the naming in February this year of shops involved in cases of selling counterfeit drugs with conviction in 2010, the Consumer Council has received information from the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) on 2 convictions in January and February 2011 respectively involving 2 shops. One of the shops is located on the Hong Kong Island and the other in the New Territories ( See table for details ).
The Council will update the list of shops involved in cases of selling counterfeit drugs as appropriate for consumers' information.
Reporting to the Customs and Excise Department
It is a serious offence under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance to sell or supply for the purpose of trade goods bearing a forged trade mark or a false trade description. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of HK$500,000 and imprisonment for five years.
The public should stop consuming any doubtful drugs and make enquiries of suppliers or trademark holders. Cases of selling counterfeit drugs can be reported to the C&ED on its hotline 2545 6182.
(Source of Information: Customs and Excise Department)