The Department of Health (DH) today (June 17) instructed licensed drug wholesaler Winsor & Co. (Winsor) to recall two vitamins, namely Vitamin B-6 Tab 50mg (Registration No.: HK-49333) and Natural E-200 Cap (vitamin E) (Registration No.: HK-26966) from consumers, as the products are suspected to have a number of irregularities.
The incident began when Matilda International Hospital reported to DH this afternoon that the appearance of several bottles of Vitamin B-6 Tab that were supplied by Winsor was different from previous stocks. Vitamin B-6 Tab used to be a white tablet, but is now found as a yellow gel capsule.
DH launched investigation immediately. Preliminary investigation revealed that the wholesaler Winsor has the habit of reproducing labels of returned goods and products with worn-out labels, and re-labelling them for re-sale on the market.
A spokesman for DH revealed that records in Winsor indicated that the yellow gel capsules should be Natural E-200 Cap, another drug also registered under Winsor. DH suspected that Winsor had mixed up the two products in the course of relabelling and hence led to the incident.
The spokesman remarked that mislabelling of vitamin E for vitamin B6 can have serious health consequences. Vitamin B may be used in the treatment of drug-induced neuropathy. The product mix-up may delay the treatment.
"Since public health may be at threat, to be prudent, both products are recalled from consumers," the spokesman explained.
Both Vitamin B-6 Tab 50mg and Natural E-200 Cap are supplement products. They are manufactured by Natural Wealth Nutrition Corp, USA and imported and distributed by Winsor & Co for local sale as well as re-export to Macao.
"Healthcare professionals, retailers must stop supplying and customers stop consuming all batches of the said products immediately. For those who have taken the affected products and are either in doubt or feeling unwell, they should consult their healthcare providers. It is understood that Winsor has set up a hotline 2391 6717 to answer related enquiries," the spokesman urged. DH has also notified the Macao drug authority for their necessary action.
So far, DH has not received any adverse event report related to the two products.
"Here, contravention of Cap 138, namely illegal manufacturing of pharmaceutical products and selling of unregistered drugs; and Cap 132, selling drug with a label which falsely described the drug and selling drug which is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the purchaser might have occurred. The maximum penalties involved are $100,000 and two years' imprisonment; $50,000 and six months' imprisonment; and $10,000 and three months' imprisonment respectively," the spokesman pointed out.
The spokesman emphasised that the DH will be monitoring the recall, investigating further to see if other Winsor drugs are involved and, on conclusion of the exercise, refer the incident to the Department of Justice for legal advice.
(Reprinted from HKSAR Government web page )