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H5 virus detected in chilled chicken sample taken from fresh provision shop in Mong Kok

  • 2018.01.23

A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) said today (January 23) that the department earlier took oropharyngeal swabs from a batch of chilled chicken (production date January 15, 2018) at a fresh provision shop in Mong Kok to test for avian influenza (AI). The Veterinary Laboratory of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department confirmed that H5 virus was detected in one sample.

The spokesman said, "Upon learning the test results, the FEHD immediately stepped up its inspection of the premises concerned, and requested it to carry out thorough cleaning and disinfection, and provided health education to the staff. Investigations showed that only chilled poultry was sold by the premises and no sale of live poultry was found. The affected batch of chilled chickens had been sold out. Since AI virus on the carcass of chilled poultry will not multiply, the chance of contracting AI through properly treated chilled poultry meat is very slim.

"The FEHD has also verified the source of the affected products according to the information on the package and instructed the trade to suspend procurement or sale of chilled chickens from the Mainland processing plant concerned, Huidong County Baishisheng Agricultural Co Ltd. The department has invited the Mainland authorities concerned to assist in the investigation and will step up surveillance of poultry in light of the incident."

The spokesman advised the public to pay extra attention to personal hygiene when handling chilled poultry. They should never touch the mouth, nose, or eyes when handling any poultry, poultry products or eggs and should wash hands thoroughly with liquid soap and water afterwards. In addition, as high temperatures can kill AI virus, they should cook poultry meat thoroughly before consumption.

The Government will continue to stay vigilant and strictly carry out risk management measures. The FEHD will also mount joint operations with the Hong Kong Customs to step up enforcement against illegal import of chilled poultry meat, and maintain liaison with the Mainland authorities concerned and suitably adjust relevant measures with regard to the latest developments of AI so as to safeguard public health and environmental hygiene. 

Reprinted from HKSAR Government: