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DH investigates case of suspected mould contamination of pharmaceutical product

  • 2018.06.21

The Department of Health (DH) is investigating a case of suspected mould contamination of a pharmaceutical product named Enzyplex (Hong Kong Registration Number: HK-06544) following a report from Queen Mary Hospital today (June 21). 

​     The DH's Drug Office has immediately collected samples of the product from various sources for further analysis to confirm whether the product exceeds the pharmacopoeial standards on mould and yeast content. The analysis usually takes five to seven days. The DH will announce the testing results and take further actions as necessary after the analysis is completed.

​     Enzyplex tablet, containing vitamins and digestive enzymes, is an over-the-counter medicine for digestive disorders. According to the local supplier Unam Corporation Ltd, the product was manufactured in Indonesia and imported to Hong Kong. It was supplied to the Hospital Authority, DH clinics, local private doctors, pharmacies and medicine stores, and also re-exported to Macao.

​     The DH has also instructed Unam to ask the manufacturer in Indonesia to conduct an investigation and submit a report. 

​     People who are consuming the product, or in doubt or feeling unwell after consumption, should seek advice from healthcare professionals. 

Reprinted from HKSAR Government: