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Salmonella found in sample of imported prepackaged meal replacement product

  • 2023.08.30
Issue Date30.8.2023
Source of Information

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS)

Food Product

Prepackaged meal replacement product

Product Name and Description

Product name: Oatmeal Shake

Brand: Nutri D-Day DIET

Place of origin: Korea


Net weight: 25 grams per pouch x 14 pouches

Best-before date: February 5, 2025

Reason For Issuing Alert

-  The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) collected the above-mentioned sample from an online vendor for testing under its routine Food Surveillance Programme. The test result showed the presence of Salmonella in 25 grams of the sample, exceeding the criterion of the Microbiological Guidelines for Food which states that Salmonella should not be detected in 25g of a ready-to-eat food sample.

-  Salmonella infection may cause fever and gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. The effects on infants, young children, the elderly and persons with a weak immune system could be more severe and may even lead to death.

Action Taken by the Centre for Food Safety

-  The CFS has informed the online vendor and distributor concerned of the unsatisfactory test result. The concerned vendor has stopped sales and removed the affected product from shelves. The concerned distributor has initiated a recall according to the CFS's instructions.

-   The CFS will alert the trade, continue to follow up on the incident and take appropriate action. The investigation is ongoing.

Advice to the Trade

Stop using or selling the product concerned immediately if possess it

Advice to Consumers

Should not consume the affected batch of the product 

Further Information

The CFS press release

Members of the public may call hotline of the concerned distributor at 6038 6312 during office hours for enquiries about the recall.


Reposted from HKSAR Government webpage: