Before making a purchase decision, consumers should beware of trade description of goods and services made by traders, such as performance, composition, price, place of production, scope of service, and after-sale service, etc.
Consumers should ask the trader for relevant information if there is any question. They should make a transactional decision only if the trader is able to provide sensible and adequate information.
Consumers should pay attention to a trader’s reputation when shopping. They should select a trader carefully to avoid being deceived.
If consumers have any doubts over the trade description or promotional offers made by the salesperson, they can request for a written confirmation or make audio-recording as evidential proof.
Consumers should not entirely rely on the salesperson’s puff and verbal promises. It is recommendable to insist on recording the promise on the receipt.
When making a transaction, consumers should check the transaction amount on the receipt and ensure that information on the receipt and warranty card (such as model number, serial number, etc.) are consistent with those applied to the product.
If consumers suspect that deception is involved in the selling process, they can report to the police.
Access to Redress
To lodge a complaint, as the case may be, with the following organizations:
If you suffer loss because of conduct of another person that is directed to you and constituted the above-mentioned offence, you may commence civil action for damages: