8 August 1998
To : Complainants
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re : Complaint Against KPS
The Consumer Legal Action Fund has considered the matter and has decided to assist consumers to lodge their claims against KPS with the Small Claims Tribunal if consumers wish to do so. However, the Fund is also exploring other possible actions. We will advise you further should we have anything substantive.
Meanwhile, one of the following avenues can be considered :
(a) Complainants can lodge a claim against KPS with the Small Claims Tribunal directly. In doing so, complainants have to submit to the Tribunal a completed claim form, pay the required filing fee, and present a certified copy of KPS' application for Business Registration. We can supply you a copy of the same on your request. We can also lend you the original for your presentation to the court at the hearing.
(b) Complainants can apply for assistance to the Consumer Legal Action Fund for legal actions taken at the Small Claims Tribunal. The Fund will provide legal advice, assist to fill in the required forms, make available the necessary documents and pay for the Tribunal's filing fee. Applicants for the Fund's assistance have to pay a non-refundable application fee of $100. Applicants are still required to appear before the Tribunal during the hearings.
Should you wish to apply for the Fund's assistance, please fill in the attached application form and return it to us together with a cheque of $100 payable to the "Consumer Council - CLAF Trust Account" to the following address:
Complaint & Advice Division
Consumer Council
22/F., K. Wah Centre
191 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong
Please also be advised that should you wish to make a claim through legal actions, you should consider not to use any of your coupon after August 1, 1998, otherwise it may jeopardize your right to claim.
For enquiries please call our hot-line number : 2929 2222
With regards,
CHAN Wing-kai
Head, Complaints & Advice Division
Consumer Council