The Consumer Council today (July 29) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in the Sai Ying Pun District.
In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the most price differences found in this survey. Top on the list was: Powerful Cream Cleanser 500ml (from $8 to $18.9, or a price difference of 136.3%).
Following closely (between 118.2% and 53.1%) were: Beer (Green Can) 330ml ($2.2 to $4.8, or 118.2%); Advance Cough Suspension 120ml ($18 to $36.1, or 100.6%); Fabric Softener Floral 1L ($20 to $30.9, or 54.5%); Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans 227g ($13 to $19.9, or 53.1%).
The remainders 5 of the top 10 list (ranging from 50.6% to 44.1%) were: Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup 305g ($7.9 to $11.9 or 50.6%); Imodium Loperottuide Hydrochloride 8pcs ($39 to $56.9, or 45.9%); Glutinous Rice Dumpling 255g ($8.9 to $12.9, or 44.9%); Premium Pork Luncheon Meat 397g ($11 to $15.9, or 44.5%); Eye Drops 7.5ml ($27 to $38.9, or 44.1%).
Other highlights in this weekly price survey covering (a) prepackaged food products, and (b) household and personal care products.
Prepackaged Food
- A total of 18 items in this category at 11 retail outlets, covering major supermarket chains, individual supermarkets, frozen food and grocery stores in the Sai Ying Pun District, were compared for their prices.
- Considerable differences between the lowest and the highest unit prices were recorded, ranging from 5.6% to 118.2%.
- The survey noted that products of add-volume size could bring real benefit to purchasers. For instance, 2 major supermarket chains offered Marinade Sauce 410ml of 52% add-volume size (i.e. total of 625ml), thus gave better value than 1 major supermarket chain that sold the normal volume size at the same price. 1 frozen food store had also on sale the add-volume size therefore bringing the price already lower than the others even further down.
- Some shops offered bulk purchase price incentives. For example, 1 major supermarket chain offered Corn Oil 946ml at $85.9 for 3, averaging $28.6 each, while another chain offered Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup 305g at $12.9 for 2, averaging $6.5 each. The price discounts made these 2 products even more attractive for bulk purchase as their original price at the 2 supermarket chains were already the lowest among the outlets.
- However, 1 frozen food store offered Beer (Green Can) 330ml at $10 for 4, averaging $2.5 each, though lower than the unit price, it was still more expensive compared with that of another outlet.
Household/Personal Care Products
A total of 22 items in this category at 13 retail outlets was surveyed, with price differences ranging from 12.6% to 136.3%.
On the whole, prices at major supermarket chains and health-and-beauty chains were generally higher than those at drugstores.
Health-and-beauty chains offered various incentives. 1 offered 15% price discount for purchase of any 2 or more items of designated goods, while another offered one $100 electrical shop coupon and Easy-Flex for purchases of $100 or more.
Some drugstores offered add-volume size. 1 offered Toothpaste Total Care 120g of 33% add-volume size at a price lower than those of others without offer of add-volume. Consumers are advised to take note of such add-volume size products.
Some health-and-beauty chains also offered free gifts for designated goods. 1 chain offered Treatment Shampoo Dry 750ml with a gift of Mint Mouthwash 50ml.
Results of the weekly price survey are available on the Council's website, its Consumer Advice Centres, and the Public Enquiry Service Centre of Central & Western District Office.