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Price Comparison Reports - Yuen Long

  • 2009.08.26

The Consumer Council today (August 26) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in the Yuen Long District.

In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the most price differences found in this survey. Top on the list was: Fabric Softener Economy - Classic 2L (from $12 to $23.5, or a price difference of 95.8%).

Following closely (between 90% and 80.9%) were: Ketchup 340g ($5 to $9.5, or 90%); Daily Therapy Shampoo 700ml ($31 to $57.9, or 86.8%); All Shiny White Lime Mint Toothpaste 160g ($10 to $18.5, or 85%); Balm (Red) 19.4g ($11 to $19.9, or 80.9%).

The remainders 5 of the top 10 list (ranging from 72% to 49.3%) were: Barbecue Honey (with Syrup) 255g ($7.5 to $12.9 or 72%); Fresh Cut Whole Kernel Corn 432g ($5.3 to $8.9, or 67.9%); Femine Hygiene 250ml ($52 to $82.6, or 58.8%); Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans 227g ($12 to $18.9, or 57.5%); Natural Ultrathin Wing Day Use Pads 20's ($14 to $20.9, or 49.3%).

Other highlights in this weekly price survey covering (a) prepackaged food products, and (b) household and personal care products:

Prepackaged Food

  • A total of 20 items in this category at 17 retail outlets, covering major supermarket chains, frozen food and grocery stores, wholesale food outlets, health-and-beauty chains and drugstores in the Yuen Long District, were compared for their prices.
  • Considerable differences between the lowest and the highest unit prices were recorded, ranging from 3.5% to 90%.
  • Overall, the survey found the major supermarket chains to be relatively more expensive than individual frozen food outlets, grocery stores and drugstores in the district.
  • Individual drugstores offered add-volume size. For example, in the case of High Calcium Low Fat Milk Powder 850g, it was sold with a 100g add-volume by a drugstore which already had low mark-up and, with the add-volume benefit, the offer was even more attractive.
  • Some major supermarket chains offered bulk purchase incentive. For example, 1 major supermarket chain offered Sweetened Milk Spread 388g at $14.9 for 2, averaging $7.5 each. The discounted price though lower than its unit price was still higher than the lowest unit price at other types of outlets. 2 major supermarket chains and 2 health-and-beauty chains offered Airwaves (Honey Lemon) 25's at $14.8 for 2 and $14 for 2 respectively, averaging $7.4 and $7 each; but the discounted prices were still higher than the lowest unit price at a health-and-beauty chain. So, bulk purchase discounts do not necessarily mean they are always of good buy, consumers are advised to shop around for price comparison and value.

Household/Personal Care Products

  • A total of 20 items in this category at 16 retail outlets was surveyed, with price differences ranging from 7.2% to 95.8%.
  • Overall, prices at major supermarket chains, health-and-beauty chains, and household goods stores, mainland goods emporiums were higher while those at drugstores were lower.
  • Some major supermarket chains and health-and-beauty chains offered bulk purchase incentives but even after the price discounts they were still higher than the lowest prices at drugstores by 40 to 50%. For example,

(1) 1 health-and-beauty chain offered Balm (Red) 19.4g at $99 for 6, averaging $16.5 each, but was still higher than the lowest price ($11) at drugstores by 50%.
(2) 1 health-and-beauty chain and 1 major supermarket chain offered All Shiny White Lime Mint Toothpaste 160g at $28.9 for 2 and $29.9 for 2 respectively, averaging $14.5 and $15 each, but was higher than the lowest unit price ($10) available by 45% to 50%.
(3) 1 supermarket chain offered Natural Ultrathin Wing Day Use Pads 20's at $39.8 for 2, averaging $19.9 each, but was still more expensive compared with the lowest unit price ($14) available by 42.1%.
(4) 1 supermarket chain offered Female Hygiene 250ml at $145.8 for 2, averaging $72.9 each, but compared with the lowest unit price ($52) was still more expensive by 40.2%.

Consumers are advised to shop around and compare prices as bulk purchase discounts do not necessarily mean they are of best value.

Results of the weekly price survey are available on the Council's website, its Consumer Advice Centres, and the Public Enquiry Service Centre of Yuen Long District Office.