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Caution urged in use of hair dryers - CHOICE # 397

  • 2009.11.16

Do you habitually use your hair dryer in the bathroom?

When the hand-held hairdryer is used in a bathroom, it is important to unplug it after use since the proximity of water presents a hazard even when the hairdryer is switched off.

A Consumer Council test, in collaboration with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, has shown that such warning and safety instructions were missing on user manuals of some hair dryers.

The use of hand-held hair dryer in the bathroom that comes into contact with water is to be avoided.

Out of the 10 samples included in the test, half of them (5) were found to be fully in compliance with the testing standard IEC60335-2-23, IEC60335-1 &EN50366 (electromagnetic fields).

The test covered a wide range of safety items that include marking and instructions, protection against access to live parts, temperature rise, electric insulation, moisture resistance, abnormal operation, mechanical strength, construction and components, provision for earthing, supply connection and external flexible cords.

The remainder 5 samples were found to fail in 1-3 safety items relating to cord reel test, flexing test, working voltage of internal motor in excess of limit, and missing safety instructions in user manual.

Consumers are advised to take heed of the following to ensure safety in the use of hair dryer:

  • Avoid using it near bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels containing water.
  • If your hands are wet, dry them before use.
  • Avoid operating hair dryer near inflammable materials such as alcohol, essential oil products, paper or over a blanket. Obstruction over the air inlet should be removed.
  • Do not share the same socket outlet with other high-power consumption appliances on an extension socket outlet or socket outlet adaptor.
  • Use an independent switch of the socket outlet to cut off the power supply or just remove it from socket outlet. Avoid plugging hair dryer in the power outlet for a prolonged period of time.
  • Regularly check the flexible cord of the hand held dryer to look for signs of wear and tear including internal conductor damage.

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