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Price Comparison Reports - Shatin District

  • 2009.11.25

The Consumer Council today (November 25) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in the Sha Tin District.

In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the most price differences found in this survey. Top on the list was: Pei Pa Lo Cough Syrup 150ml (from $14.5 to $36, or a price difference of 148.3%).

Following closely (between 106.7% and 75.3%) were: Mosquito Coils 10's ($4.5 to $9.3, or 106.7%); Dim Sum Shrimp Shao Mai 10's ($8.9 to $17.9, or 101.1%); Dumpling (Pea Shoot & Pork) 205g ($11.9 to $22.9, or 92.4%); Baby Powder 100g ($8.5 to $14.9 or 75.3%).

The remainders 5 of the top 10 list (ranging from 75% to 64.7%) were: Kiu Kiang Sheng Jin Chiew 500ml ($10 to $17.5, or 75%); Condensed Soup Corn Flavored With Chicken 310g ($7.9 to $13.5, or 70.9%); Rice Flour 600g ($5 to $8.5, or 70%); Mentholatum Ointment 28g ($15 to $24.9, or 66%); Chili Soy Sauce 250ml ($8.5 to $14, or 64.7%).

Other highlights in this weekly price survey covering (a) prepackaged food products, and (b) household and personal care products:

Prepackaged Food

  • A total of 16 items in this category at 16 retail outlets, covering major supermarket chains, frozen food outlets, grocery and emporium stores, in the Sha Tin District were compared for their prices.
  • Considerable differences between the lowest and the highest unit prices were recorded, ranging from 5.7% to 101.1%.
  • The survey found the frozen food stores in the district were generally cheaper than the other types of outlets, with the lowest prices for some 70% of food items surveyed recorded in these stores.
  • Individual frozen food store promoted incentive of 5% price discount on enrolment of membership of the store.
  • On purchase of canned luncheon meat of up to $30, individual major supermarket chain offered 5% price discount on the items concerned.
  • Individual shop offered "add-size pack", for example, 1 major supermarket chain offered 52% add-size for the purchase of Chinese Marinade 410ml, hence a discount price of $2.4 per 100ml, bringing the unit price to the lowest recorded for this item.
  • Some outlets offered bulk purchase incentives. For example, 2 major supermarket chains offered Condensed Soup Corn Flavored with Chicken 310g at $23.7 for 3, averaging $7.9 each, the discount price on par with the lowest unit price recorded.
  • Various types of outlets offered Beancurd for Steaming 390ml at average of $5 to $6.3 each for purchase of 2 items. One of the major supermarket chain's unit price was already the lowest available hence the discount means even better buy for consumers.
  • Except for one supermarket, all the outlets offered Dumpling (Pea Shoot & Pork) 205g at average of $11.9 to $13.5 each, hence cheaper than their unit price with the exception of the frozen food store, whose average price for bulk purchase was actually the same as its unit price on this food item ($11.9).
  • From the above, it is clear that not all bulk purchase discounts are necessarily cheaper. Astute consumers are advised to shop around and compare the prices.

Household/Personal Care Products

  • A total of 24 items in this category at 20 retail outlets was surveyed, with price differences ranging from 6.2% to 148.3%.
  • Overall, prices at major supermarket chains and health-and-beauty chains were generally higher than those at drugstores.
  • The survey found a good number of chain stores offered purchase guarantee for replacement or refund. For example, 2 outlets offered replacement within 7 days and 2 cosmetic product chains offered 30 days. In addition to replacement, 1 health-and-beauty chain offered refund within 14 days.
  • Some health-and-beauty chains offered free gifts or price discounts for designated goods or bulk purchase.
  • Individual shops offered bulk purchase incentives, for example, 1 major chain offered Sensitive Alcohol Free Mouthwash 500ml at $49.9 for 2, averaging $25 each; the discount price though lower than its unit price, was still higher than the lowest unit price ($23) at certain drugstores.
  • 1 drugstore offered Body Wash (gentle Exfoliating) 1L at $70 for 2, averaging $35 each, but still higher than the lowest unit price of $34 at individual drugstore.
  • 1 major supermarket chain offered Pore Pack 10's at $39.8, averaging $19.9 each, the discount price equal to the lowest unit price available at a cosmetic product chain.
  • 1 drugstore offered Bathroom Tissue 12 Rolls at $53 for 2, averaging $26.5 each, since the outlet already offered the lowest unit price on this item, the discount means even better buy for consumers.

Results of the weekly price survey are available on the Council's website, its Consumer Advice Centres, and the Public Enquiry Service Centre of Sha Tin District Office.