The Consumer Council today (December 9) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in the Tai Po District.
In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the most price differences found in this survey. Top on the list was: Sesame Soda Cracker 130g (from $3.3 to $5.5, or a price difference of 66.7%).
Following closely (between 66.1% and 49.3%) were: Lip care (Repair & Protection) 4.8g ($18 to $29.9, or 66.1%); Soup Base for Chicken Hot Pot 60g ($4 to $6.5, or 62.5%); Imperial Leather Soap 125gx4 ($9 to $13.5, or 50%); Hot Cocoa Mix Mini Marshmallow 250g ($14 to $20.9 or 49.3%).
The remainders 5 of the top 10 list (ranging from 49% to 37.7%) were: Chest Congestion Guaifeneslin Syrup 100ml ($29 to $43.2, or 49%); Tuna in Sunflower Oil 185g ($9.5 to $13.9, or 46.3%); Chopped Pork and Ham 198g ($8.9 to $13, or 46.1%); Spiced Pork Cubes 142g ($8 to $11.5, or 43.8%); Superconcentrated Dishwash Detergent 500ml ($13 to $17.9, or 37.7%).
Other highlights in this weekly price survey covering (a) prepackaged food products, and (b) household and personal care products:
Prepackaged Food
- A total of 18 items in this category at 19 retail outlets, covering major supermarket chains, individual supermarkets, health-and-beauty chain, frozen food outlets, grocery stores, food wholesale outlets, snacks shop and drugstores, in the Tai Po District were compared for their prices.
- Considerable differences between the lowest and the highest unit prices were recorded, ranging from 7.2% to 66.7%.
- The survey found prices of canned food at individual supermarkets, frozen food and grocery stores were generally lower than those in other types of outlets.
- Many outlets offered bulk purchase incentives. For example, 2 frozen food outlets and 1 grocery store offered Chopped Pork and Ham 198g at $25.5 for 3 or $19 for 2, averaging $8.5 or $9.5 each respectively. The discount price offered by 1 of the frozen food outlets was the lowest unit price available on this item in the survey.
- 3 major supermarket chains offered Hot Cocoa Mix Mini Marshmallow 250g at $27 for 2 and $26.9 for 2, averaging $13.5 each, the discount price becoming the lowest unit price on this item.
- 2 major supermarket chains offered Sesame Soda Cracker 130g at $10 for 3, averaging $3.3 each; the discount price was the same as the lowest unit price available on this item.
- 2 major supermarket chains, 2 frozen food and 1 food wholesale shops offered Soup Base for Chicken Hot Pot 60g at $12 for 3 or $11 for 3, averaging $4 or $3.7 each. The discount price at 1 frozen food and 1 food wholesale outlets was the lowest unit price on this item.
- Individual major supermarket chain offered bonus stamps for redemption of kitchen utensil to attract customers.
- One offered 5% price discount on purchase of luncheon canned meat up to the value of $30.
- Individual shops offered gifts, for example, 1 major supermarket chain, 1 frozen food outlet and an individual supermarket offered 1 Spicy Bake Mix 25g for purchase of Liquid Seasoning 205ml.
Household/Personal Care Products
- A total of 22 items in this category at 14 retail outlets was surveyed, with price differences ranging from 5.3% to 66.1%.
- Overall, prices at major supermarket chains and health-and-beauty chains were generally higher than those at drugstores.
- Individual major supermarket chains, health-and-beauty chains and drugstores offered gifts for the purchase of designated goods.
- For example, 1 health-and-beauty chain offered 1 small towel for purchase of Dental Crème (Orange Flavour) 40g.
- 1 major supermarket chain and 2 health-and-beauty chains offered milk bath lotion 300ml for purchase of Baby Ultra Care Lotion 500ml.
- 1 health-and-beauty chain offered a travel sewing kit for Chest Congestion Guaifenesin Syrup 100ml.
- 1 health-and-beauty chain and 1 drugstore offered stationery pack and water thermal flask respectively for Emulsion (Orange) 400ml.
- 1 major supermarket chain offered 1 handwash 150ml for Antiseptic Liquid 750ml
- 2 drugstores offered a bag and a recipe cookbook respectively for Food Wrap 200ft.
- Some major supermarket chains and health-and-beauty chains offered bulk purchase incentive.
- For example, 2 major supermarkets and 1 health-and-beauty chain offered Fresh Cotton Cover pH5.5 Pantiliners 32's at $35.8 for 2, $39.8 for 2, and $38.8 for 2, averaging $17.9, $19.9 and $19.4 each respectively. The discount price at 1 of the major supermarket chains was the lowest unit price available on this item, while the discount price at the other supermarket chain was in fact the same as its unit price. The discount price at the health-and-beauty chain though lower than its unit price, was still higher than the lowest unit price available.
- 2 major supermarket chains offered Superconcentrated Dishwash Detergent 500ml at $32 for 2, averaging $16 each; the discount price, though lower than the unit price, was still higher by 23.1% than the lowest unit price available on this item in the survey.
Results of the weekly price survey are available on the Council's website, its Consumer Advice Centres, and the Public Enquiry Service Centre of Tai Po District Office.