Beware of 'abalones' that are sold in slices. They very rarely do.
Samples of bogus abalone slices were seized in 31 shops in raids carried out by the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED).
The samples were found to bear various descriptions purporting to be abalone slices from Australia, Japan, America or South Africa. They were later proved to be conch.
The seizures have led to successful prosecutions by C&ED and court convictions. By the end of last month, 26 of the suppliers concerned have been charged under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance and subsequently convicted.
In terms of the amount of fine per supplier, the highest fine amounted to $100,000. One supplier was sentenced to 4 months imprisonment suspended for 1 year, as well as a fine of $15,000.
According to the Hong Kong Dried Seafood and Grocery Merchants Association, genuine abalones are expensive seafood produce. They would not be sold in slice form.
Consumers will do well to buy dried seafood from reputable shops.
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