This issue of CHOICE also covers the results of the Council's first ever test on popular external hard disks for computers - including 13 models of 2.5-inch disk with capacity of 500 gigabyte (price ranging from HK$460 to HK$760) and 7 models of 3.5-inch disk of 1 terabyte (HK$599 - HK$880). The samples were compared on their read/write performance, durability, environmental aspects, ease of use and versatility.
While all the samples are equipped with USB 2.0 connection, 2 samples additionally provide eSATA interface. One sample has a radio-frequency identification (RFID) data security system.
The 2.5-inch samples have good portability. Performance in shock resistance was generally good. Most samples kept on operating after 20 drops from a height of 75 cm onto a wooden floor. However, 1 sample stopped working after 14 drops (10 drops when unconnected, followed by 4 drops while connected to a computer and in operation).
Buying tips:
- If you often bring along a hard disk for mobile use, look for one with good durability and portability.
- If you run the hard disk continuously, choose one with a low energy consumption.
To save energy, consumers are advised to disconnect the external hard disk from the computer when it is not in use.
And take care of your hard disk - hard blows or fall from height can damage it and you may lose your valuable data.
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