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Six Convictions for Selling Counterfeit Drugs in the First Four Months - CHOICE # 417

  • 2011.07.15

4 shops were involved in convicted cases of selling counterfeit drugs in March and April, making a total of 6 convicted cases in the first four months of this year.

The latest issue of CHOICE reported the details of the shops involved. Among the shops, 3 were in Hong Kong Island, 2 in Kowloon and 1 in the New Territories.

Particulars of Shops Involved in Selling Counterfeit Drugs

Names and Address of Shops InvolvedNames of Counterfeit Drugs Involved
Hong Kong Island
Shun Tai Dispensary
Shop A, G/F  6  Cannon Street  Causeway Bay
Forged Trademark Applied
- "Viagra"
Sunning Dispensary (North Point) Limited
G/F  Kiu Hing Mansion 14/F  King's Road North Poing
Forged Trademark Applied
- "Viagra"
- "Cialis"
- "Wong To Yick Wood Lock"
- "Po Sum On Oil"
- "Pien Tze Huang"
- "Po Chai Oills"
- "Fishing" Lee Man Shan Pill Stomachache
Shop C  G/F  10 Tong Shui Road  North Point
Forged Tradement Applied
- "Po Sum On Oil"
- 「喇叭牌」正露丸
G/F, No 47  Ha Heung Road  To Kwa Wan
Forged Trademark Applied
- "Wong To Yick Wood Lock"
Shop A, No. 12 Ha Heung Road  To Kwa Wan
Forged Trademark Applied
- "Wong To Tick Wood Lock"
- "Fishing" Lee Man Shan Pill Stomachache
New Territories
Wing Kin Medicine Co.
G/F, 113 Shek Yam Road  Kwai Chung
False Trade Descriptions Applied *
- "Human Albumin 25%"
- "Normal Serum Albumin (Human)"
- "Kenacort-A Intramuscular"
- "Vitamin H-3 Injection
- Rheumatism And Spur Tan"
 * The drug composition does not mater with product labelling.


The Council will update the list of shops involved in convicted cases of selling counterfeit drugs on website as appropriate for consumers' information.

It is a serious offence under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance to sell or supply for the purpose of trade goods bearing a forged trade mark or a false trade description. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of HK$500,000 and imprisonment for five years.

The public should stop consuming any doubtful drugs and make enquiries of suppliers or trademark holders. Cases of selling counterfeit drugs can be reported to the C&ED on its hotline 2545 6182.

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