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Consumer Council's First-ever Test on Tablet PCs - CHOICE # 417

  • 2011.07.15

The July issue of CHOICE covers the test results on a number of popular tablet PCs.

The test, coordinated by the International Consumer Research & Testing, covered 16 models of tablet PCs with prices ranging from HK$ 1,980 to 5,380. Out of the 16 models, 11 have 10-inch screens and 5 have 7-inch screens.

The test, rating on a 5-point scale, evaluated the convenience of use, performance, software applications, structure and functions. The overall results of the tested models are listed below:

On the convenience of use:

  • The performance of over half of the tested models is outstanding in their touch screen function, attaining the highest score of 5 in rating.
  • Only 2 models offer the easiest operation for loading content to get the highest 5 point rating.
  • The designs of the soft keyboards are quite different among the models. Many models are not easy to type in all orientations - only one model was regarded to have excellent design in the regard.
  • Only a few models are able to connect to a projector or a keyboard with the connection accessories, but users have to purchase such accessories separately.

On overall performance:

  • All models provide "immediate readiness" for use when they are in the stand-by mode. When they are switched off, it takes between 21 to 65 seconds to "boot up".
  • There is significant difference in performance in the showing of videos. Some models fail to provide a smooth video display during video streaming or when playing online games. One model out-performs the others and obtains the highest 5 points in rating.
  • The speed of file transfer is disappointing for the majority of the tested models. It takes 30 to 180 seconds for the models to copy 500 MB of data.
  • The quality of the screen display of all models is severely affected by reflected light. Six of the tested models have high quality screens, earning 4 points out of 5.
  • Some models are slow in re-charging their battery, taking 2.5 to 6 hours to charge to the full. The battery life varies among different models and among the jobs they perform. The battery can last for 3.2 to 11 hours for watching videos, but it can only last for 2.6 to 9.8 hours for browsing the web using Wi-Fi. Three of the models perform better than others.

To make a smart choice in purchasing a tablet PC, pragmatic users are advised spend some time to study carefully the functions and specifications of different tablet PCs in order to select the most suitable model before purchase.

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