A safety test on multiple socket outlet adaptors revealed far from satisfactory quality in most models on sale in the market. Consumers are advised to stop using one of the tested models.
The test was conducted by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) in collaboration with the Consumer Council. All 18 models were of 3-pin outlets of 13 amps on 3 sides, prices ranging from HK$16 to HK$45. Nine models came with individual on-off switches.
One model stood out in quality and passed all the safety test items conducted with reference to UK Standard BS1363-3 and BS1363-2 (test items related to switch). The rest, however, were detected of various deficiencies.
4 samples were found to have insufficient insulation distance between the current-carrying parts. In another sample, the distance between the plug pins and the edge of the adaptor is shorter than what is required by the standard, posing risks to users who might accidentally touch the current-carrying part of the pins. Its pins also failed to plug into the "standard socket" securely.
In the construction of the samples, deficiencies were found on both the plug portion and the socket-outlet portion.
The insulating sleeves of the plug pins of 2 samples failed in the high voltage test after the abrasion tests. The insulating sleeves on the plug pins of another sample was broken and its insulation thickness wore off more than it is allowed by the standard after being subjected to a contact pressure and heat for 2 hours.
Other safety deficiencies detected include imperfect protection against electric shock and failure to fulfill endurance requirements.
EMSD has alerted consumers not to use one of the tested models. As for other samples found to be not complying with the relevant standard, EMSD will monitor the improvement of these products.
Users are advised to observe the followings when using multiple socket outlet adaptors:
- install more socket outlet units instead of relying on using multiple socket outlet adaptors to avoid the risks of overloading or other hazard;
- do not use multiple socket outlet adaptors with apertures of irregular shapes;
- do not place multiple socket outlet adaptors in enclosed areas such as behind the sofa, allow room for ventilation;
- make sure the rated current (in Ampere, A) of the multiple socket outlet adaptors can support the appliance before plugging in;
- do not use multiple socket outlet adaptors for appliance of high electricity consumption such as air conditioner and electric heater;\
- do not use power extension cable on multiple socket outlet adaptors to avoid over-loading.
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