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Faulty Unbranded X'mas Lights Still a Cause of Grave Safety Concern- CHOICE # 445

  • 2013.11.14

Beware of Christmas light chains that are unbranded and probably too cheap a bargain to be true.

For these holiday lights are potentially unsafe posing electric shock and injury hazards to consumers.

This timely caution, with the Christmas season fast approaching, followed a joint test between the Consumer Council and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department on 17 models - 4 unbranded and 13 branded - of Christmas decorative light chains.

All 4 unbranded test samples, sourced from different outlets and locations, were found to be in non-compliance with the safety requirements of the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation.

With no exception, the electrical wiring of all the unbranded models failed the safety standard: only single insulation protection was provided on the wiring, and the cross sectional area of the wiring, measuring 0.055 to 0.46 mm2, was below the standard requirement of 0.5 mm2.

Further, the samples were put to test to evaluate their safety performance under abnormal operating conditions. Again only the unbranded samples fared poorly.

The results showed in 2 of the unbranded samples the enclosure of the control box broke resulting in the current carrying parts exposed. And in 1 other model the measured temperature (113.9℃) on the surface of lampholder was found higher than the safety limit (75℃).

Such deficiencies could cause overheating - and melting - of the electrical wiring in the lights, and the Christmas tree or other seasonal decorations nearby, posing risk of nasty electric shock and injury to consumers.

In the worst case scenario, under extreme unfavourable conditions, such electrical faults could pose potentially a fire hazard. Just imagine your Christmas tree or decorations being melted away in disarray or worse set ablaze during the festive season.

Consumers are, therefore, strongly advised to stop or using unbranded Christmas light chains. If the concerned models of unbranded Christmas light chains are found in the market, consumers should not make a purchase and should call the EMSD (Tel.: 2333 3762) immediately for follow-up action.

Besides the absence of any brandname, these unbranded Christmas lights also share one thing in common in non-compliance of the safety standard: none were labeled with any product information whatsoever, including name of the manufacturer (or brand name) and model number.

Compared with the branded models in the test, ranging in price from $108 to $530, the unbranded models are inexpensively priced at as low as $30 and $45.

One of the unbranded models was actually priced higher, at $120, than 2 branded models at $108 and $110 respectively. But the safety rating of the unbranded was a mere 1 star, out of 5, which compared most unfavourably with the 2 branded with safety rating of 4.5 and 4 star.

In the test, 4 models (all branded) could fully comply with the statutory safety standard, and 1 model was in compliance with most of the safety requirements except in some areas relating to marking and instructions.

Some branded models were found to need improvement in safety especially in respect of wiring pull test, mechanical strength, and material resistance to heat.

Some safety tips in the purchase and use of decorative light chains:

- Do not purchase Christmas lighting without proper brand name.

- Always select decorative light chains with proper labels and instructions. Check the quality of the wiring and light bulbs before purchase. Don't modify the light chain arrangement.

- Avoid excessive bending or applying excessive tension to the wiring when hanging the light chains onto the Christmas tree. Unless specified in the product's instructions, decorative light chains should not be used in an outdoor environment.

- Switch off or unplug the light chains before sleeping or going out.

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