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Don't Let Pre-Wedding Photography Spoil Memory of the Romance of Your Life - CHOICE # 460

  • 2015.02.16

The cost of weddings is seemingly ever on the rise. The average spending by couples planning to tie the knot in pre-wedding photos is estimated at HK$22,600, ranking the fourth most expensive in a recent expenditure survey on marriage.

It is, by any measure, no small a wedding expense but probably the worst that may happen is if the couples have cause to complain because of poor service quality or undesirable trade practices or both.

Complaints brought to the Consumer Council for redress against pre-wedding photos service rose from 43 cases in 2013 to 93 cases last year.

A Council survey does reveal the wide variations that exist in local wedding photography packages that could be baffling to the couples looking for the best deal that most suits their budget.

So the advice is: be prepared to shop around and be very clear and specific about what your expectations are. Never be too embarrassed to ask for details, and whatever the salesman tells you make sure it is written down in black and white before signing a contract.

A sound understanding of what the trade can offer and their charges and practices can certainly go a long way to safeguard your interests. The survey conducted in December 2014 and January 2015 covered a total of 27 service providers of 60 local pre-wedding photos packages. Highlights of the survey include:

On fees and charges

- The price of a package varies depending largely on the photo shoot venues i.e. studio or outdoor or both, ranging from a modest HK$2,388 to a high HK$38,800.
- 3 service providers require full payment upon purchase. Others need only a deposit of HK$1,000 to HK$2,000 or 30% to 70% of the package cost. Consumers buying promotion package are required to pay in full in the case of 2 service providers.
- Substantial difference in administrative fee on changing the date of photo shoot. 4 service providers will not charge extra for changing while 3 will charge a fee or depending on the situation. The remainders allow date changing if a request is made within specified time, otherwise the administrative fee could range from HK$500 to HK$10,000, or 10% to 100% of the package cost. Consumers should plan well on the date of photo shoot to avoid extra cost.
- More than half of the service providers will not refund if consumers cancel the service. Only 2 will refund part of the deposit within a certain time limit; 7 will not refund but consumers can keep the money for future use, change to other service or pass the service to friends or relatives.
- Extra costs for designated photographers or make-up artist are required: HK$500 to HK$8,000 for designated photographer and HK$500 to HK$2,000 for designated make-up artist.
- Only 1 service provider just imposes extra cost on car renting for overtime shooting. The remainders will charge extra for overtime; some will count for the whole team per hour, from HK$150 to HK$3,000, while others for each staff per hour, photographer from HK$200 to HK$300, make-up artist HK$200, and assistant from HK$100 to HK$200.
- Consumers opting for photo shoot on weekends or public holidays may have additional cost from HK$500 to HK$1,000. A few service providers may charge extra if the make-up artist needs to go outdoor for photo shoot, from HK$1,000 or HK$1,800.

On other matters

- 2 of the service providers do not set time limit to finish the service and 1 depends on date of wedding. The time limit spans from 3 to 36 months but more than half of the service providers require within 6 to 18 months.
- Most service providers are willing to change the date due to bad weather on the photo shoot day. 5 allow change only to studio or indoor on the same day.
- Couples can choose photos right after the photo shoot or at most within 60 days. 1 to 6 months are needed for service providers to compile photo album or relevant products. Enough time should therefore be set aside if you wish to get the photos before wedding.
- Exclusions are numerous: 2 packages do not include wedding gowns; 1 package excludes makeup for groom; 11 packages provide no make-up tools; and 3 packages supply no cosmetics. Silk bouquets, on the other hand, are provided for photo shoot in most packages.
- Most packages include photo albums and/or canvas of different sizes. Photo albums can carry 12 to 60 photos. Coating for photo albums is a common promotional item, but consumers should beware the work and cost involved beforehand.
- Some 40 to 500 photos are taken but about 70% of the packages do not give all photos to consumers nor will all photos be retouched.

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