The Consumer Council ("The Council") has always encouraged business and professional associations to establish codes of practice and enhance service quality. The Council joins hands with the Laundry Association of Hong Kong ("the Association") to kick off a two-month consultation today (19 March) to collect views from members and stakeholders on a newly stipulated code of practice.
"The Code of Practices of the Laundry Industry" ("The Code") seeks the quality of service and professionalism within the industry for the benefit of consumers. The Code was stipulated with the valuable inputs from the Council. The collaboration agreement between the Council and the Association sets out the key performance indicators which include the establishment of a Complaints Review Committee within a prescribed period, adoption by the majority of the Association members, periodic reviews of the status of compliance and knowledge, and training workshops to be provided for the industry.
In total, the Council received 260 complaints related to laundry service, mainly on service quality, delays and losses. The member of the Association make-up half of the market in terms of its turnover volume. Hopefully, through the concerted effort in drafting the Code, an effective self-regulatory mechanism will be established and the quality of service rendered by the industry will be enhanced. This will ultimately serve the interests of consumers. Further, it is the vision of the Council that the stipulation of the Code will encourage other trade associations to adopt codes of practice akin to it; and create a win-win situation where the goodwill of the industry is enhanced and the rights of consumers are protected.
For inquiry and further information, please contact the below email addresses or browse the website link at,
Consumer Council:
The Laundry Association of Hong
Download link of the Code: