Recent years have seen brands of domestic electrical oral irrigators available in the market with some claiming functions of removing tartar, food deposits and dental plaque. However, experts reminded that oral irrigators cannot replace conventional toothbrushes. The young and elderly using electrical oral irrigators are advised to beware of water pressure to avoid accidents.
A collective term for dental beat and interdental cleaner, oral irrigator is basically an electrical cleaning tool that cleans teeth with a jet of pulsating water or water mixed with air bubbles.
According to some dentists, oral irrigators could help remove food deposits and therefore are of assistance to those receiving orthodontic treatment or using dental bridge, or those who physically require dental cleaning assistance. Studies have also shown that oral irrigators may reduce chances of gum inflammation. However, there is no scientific evidence indicated that oral irrigators could replace the functions of traditional toothbrushes, interdental brushes and dental flosses in keeping gum and periodontal health.
Ejected in high pressure, the water jet of oral irrigator may affect healing of oral wounds for those just received oral surgery, or worsen periodontal diseases. Accidents could happen easily when the young and elderly are using the product. Consumer should always read instructions carefully before use.
The most effective way to clean teeth is to brush the teeth and gums with a toothbrush every morning and evening, and use interdental cleaning tools like dental flosses or interdental brushes to clean gum margin and remove plague at interdental spaces.
Besides, the Consumer Council has collected information of 12 models of 5 brands of oral irrigators on the market and compared their design and specification. The 7 portable models are lighter and handier, more space-saving and affordable, priced between HK$337 and HK$988. However, its usable time is much restricted by the reservoir capacity and can be less than 1 minute. Countertop oral irrigators can be directly connected to a power outlet. Although the base unit is large and the price is higher, between HK$988 and HK$1,928 for the models, it can operate longer such as up to 3 minutes if the reservoir is fully filled with water.
All the 12 models come with jet speed adjustment or jet mode selection and the nozzles can also be removed for cleaning or replacement. Some agents suggest users replace the nozzle every season or half a year, which costs between HK$19 and HK$67.5.
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