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Does the electronic blood pressure monitor you use in the comfort of home give consistently accurate readings time after time? As the prevalence of diagnosed hypertension in Hong Kong is on the rise so is the home use of electronic blood pressure...
In Quest of Energy Efficiency in Air Conditioners Credit Card Holders Still Face High Interest Rate Charge on Unpaid Balance Accuracy of Home Use Electronic Blood Pressure Monitors under Scrutiny Council Condemns Malpractices in Sale of...
Unscrupulous sale tactics bordering on fraud in the sale of hotel/dining club membership have come under the severe censure of the Consumer Council. The Council has seen a proliferation in the use of malpractices by errant sales agents to promote...
Credit card interest rates have remained unchanged at a high level, of mostly 30% upwards, despite the prolonged continuously low interest rate environment. The latest Consumer Council survey on credit card charges showed that hard-pressed...
With the hot season just around the corner, consumers will soon be out in droves shopping for air conditioners to beat the summer heat. Before you dash out to the shop, do spare a moment to go over a most timely Consumer Council test report on this...
The Consumer Council today (May 15) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 45 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Tai Wo Hau / Kwai Chung. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products...
The Consumer Council today (May 8) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 45 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Luen Wo Hui, Fanling.In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with...
The Consumer Council today (April 30) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 45 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Ap Lei Chau.In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the...