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The Consumer Council today (February 3) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in the Tung Chung District. In the analysis were listed the top 10...
The Consumer Council has voiced concerns over the safety of performing cupping therapy by improperly trained therapists. In particular, as cupping sets become easily available in the market, more people are likely to be taking on DIY (Do-It-Yourself)...
Motorists beware! Carpark operators will not hold themselves responsible for loss or damage of your vehicles or valuables Caution urged over practice of cupping therapy amid injury reports Loft living still a distant dream for home hunters ...
Contemplating refurbishing your home ahead of the Chinese New Year? Hold your breath. For home renovation can be as exciting a process as it can be frustrating, too. For the past 4 years, the Consumer Council has received a yearly average of some...
In general, vacuum cleaners are electrically safe. This assurance was indicated in a joint test between the Consumer Council and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. Out of 12 test models, a total of 9 vacuum cleaners passed all the...
Loft living may be a trendy concept of living in some overseas countries. But it is still a remote possibility in Hong Kong. Hopes of home hunters keen on choosing industrial buildings for residential living were kindled in the light of new policy...
Motorists using car park service are advised to observe good security practice and take appropriate measures to safeguard their vehicles and valuables. The advice followed a Consumer Council study of the terms and conditions governing the use of car...
Even a seasoned cook will probably be baffled by the plethora of choices in cooking oil these days. To name but a few more familiar: peanut oil, corn oil, canola oil, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, grapeseed oil, and soybean oil. Help is now at...