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The Consumer Council today (July 22) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in the Fanling District. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products...
Consumers advised to pay attention to household bleach concentration for proper dilution for use as disinfectant Net weight of some 12-roll toilet packs is not what you see Survey reveals widespread increase in banking service charges Council...
Consumers beware! Complaints against timeshare service are back on the rise. In the first 6 months of 2009, the number has risen to 123 cases alleging undesirable high-pressure sale tactics by timeshare marketers. In 2007, there were 118 cases and in...
Household bleaches with concentration of active ingredient (sodium hypochlorite) less than 5.25% are not recommended to be used on a dilution ratio of 1:99 as an effective disinfectant. Because of the germicidal property of household bleaches, the...
The Consumer Council has taken some travel agents to task for their sale practice in bundling package tours with mandatory travel insurance. Following consumer complaints about such trade practice, the Council has conducted a survey on 17 travel...
The riddle of the toilet rolls in short weight is solved. This followed a subsequent survey of 17 models of toilet rolls available in pack sizes of 10 and 12 rolls. Earlier, the Consumer Council reported the dubious sale tactic of some toilet roll...
The Consumer Council today (July 15) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in the Cheung Sha Wan District. In the analysis were listed the top 10...
Primary and secondary school textbooks rose in prices by an average of 1.6% and 1.0% respectively this year. The extent of increase was below the average increase of 2.7% in the Composite CPI in the preceding 12-month period 2009 over the same period...