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Prepayment consumption - "pay now, enjoy later" - is increasingly common in many sectors of the retail trade. Does it necessarily work to the advantage and benefit of the consumers? Prepaid coupons, vouchers or stored-value cards and the like...
Satisfaction Survey on Outbound Packaged Holiday Tours Reveals Need for improvement in Tipping and Meal Quality Call to Abolish Low-Balance Fee on HK$ Savings Bank Accounts Safety and Ease of Use Are Both Crucial in Choice of Baby Strollers ...
Some energy drinks are highly caffeinated and sugared, according to a Consumer Council test on 19 of these beverages commonly available in the market here. Of particular health concern was the revelation that the caffeine content of 3 of the samples...
Greater transparency is called for in overseas ATM cash withdrawal service in foreign currencies, according to a Consumer Council survey last month that revealed considerable variances of fees and charges by the banks and global ATM network service...
What do you look for when buying an air conditioner or electric fan? Get yourself well informed - with timely advice from the Consumer Council. And don't wait until rising unbearable heat drives you into that panic buy you may regret later. In two...
Are incorrect or misleading care labels on garments at the root of many a dispute between consumers and dry cleaners? Each year, about 300 complaints on laundry services were brought to the Consumer Council for resolution. The disputes were largely...
Hopeful Signs of Downward Trend in Supermarket Prices Harmful Substances Uncovered in Dry Food for Pets Call for Regulatory Oversight on Garment Care Labelling Test Reveals Mixed Performance on Internet Security Software Chairing the...
After two consecutive years of rampant inflationary prices at supermarket chains, it seems finally the rising price trend has come to a halt last year. According to the annual supermarket price survey of the Consumer Council, price fluctuations of a...