The analysis result of another 68 samples of Red Bull products obtained from local retail outlets and traders were released today (June 11). Cocaine was not detected in these samples. These samples were collected subsequent to the earlier testing of 21 samples, among which five were found to contain traces of cocaine in the range of 0.1-0.3 microgramme per litre. Results of the earlier tests were released on June 4.
A Government spokesman said, "The overall results to date do not reveal a systemic problem with Red Bull products."
A consolidated analysis result of all the 89 samples is attached. The testing was carried out in response to media reports of actions by other jurisdictions finding that Red Bull products contain traces of cocaine. The responsible authorities in Hong Kong have since May 27 collected samples of such products found in local retail outlets and sent in by local traders, including the Hong Kong office of Red Bull GmhB.
Cocaine is a dangerous drug regulated under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134). Except in very restricted circumstances permitted by the law, possession of dangerous drugs is a criminal offence, subject to substantial penalty of imprisonment and fine. Having regard to the specific circumstances of the case, including the absence of prior knowledge of the cocaine content in the product, no prosecution is intended in relation to happenings in the past.
"The Hong Kong office of Red Bull GmhB was informed of the latest results and reminded once again it is the responsibility of manufacturers and traders themselves to ensure that their products are free from dangerous drugs in the future," the spokesman said.
"While the Hong Kong office of Red Bull GmhB has given an assurance that its products are cocaine free, the Government will continue to monitor Red Bull products in the market place. Further testing may be arranged if and when necessary. Should any such future testing reveal traces of cocaine, criminal investigation might ensue and the parties concerned might be liable to prosecution."
Reprinted from HKSAR Government: