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Collagen supplement facial skin beauty claims under experts query - CHOICE # 401

  • 2010.03.15

A Consumer Council study on collagen supplements, advertised heavily as a solution to many skin problems, has raised more questions than answers on the validity of their claims.

The study has enlisted the assistance of a group of experts in diverse fields for their views on the oral intake of collagen supplements to produce aesthetic effects.

Included among this diversity of experts were: dietitian, dermatologists, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, Chinese medicine practitioner and academics of various related disciplines.

The expert consensus that emerged was, sadly, a lack of endorsement on the claims of these collagen supplements available in the market in the form of ready-to-drink potion, pill and powder.

Instead, unanimously, the experts all cast doubt and raised many a question on the mythical claims of these products.

Question Number One: Is gastrointestinal absorption equivalent to absorption by skin tissue?

Some claims inferred that the collagen content is sufficiently small for easy absorption - with vivid graphic illustration depicting a path of absorption of collagen with the aid of a picture of skin layers.

This has the effect of confusing consumers in the concepts between "gastrointestinal absorption" and "absorption by skin".

Further, some claims suggested that the tripeptides (collagen of lower molecular weight) content in the products would ensure intact absorption by intestine.

Nonetheless, it does not necessarily follow that the intact molecules could be directly incorporated in the production of collagen.

Question Number Two: Is collagen, collagen peptides or amino acids the only factor favourable to collagen synthesis in the body?

A number of factors will need to be present in order to produce synthesis of collagen in the body - such as the health, physical and hormonal conditions, nutrition, activity of synthetic mechanism,….. etc

The provision and presence of certain kind of amino acids (the body's building blocks) in the body may only be one of the factors favourable to collagen synthesis.

Question Number Three: Can it, in any way, improve facial condition?

The body will, under different circumstances, use amino acids to produce different kinds of protein so as to cope with body needs in the growth of muscles, cartilages, tendons, hairs, nails and production of hemoglobin.

The face area is only a small part of the skin in the entire body.

However, perceived improvement of skin condition because of a placebo feel-good effect and increased amount of water intake (due to consumption of the product) could not be ruled out.

Question Number Four: Do we need to replenish any particular types of protein?

In general, people in Hong Kong do not have the problem of protein deficiency though some may be marginally deficient in calcium, iron and folic acid.

Adhering to a balanced diet is, therefore, the best way to obtain suitable amount and types of proteins and all other nutrients.

Question Number Five: Are these supplements suitable for all people?

No. People suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, renal, liver diseases, and people allergic to a certain kind of ingredients in these supplements should be wary about consuming these products.

In addition, if you are vegetarians and people who avoid certain kind of food for religious reason, you are advised to read the product labels as the collagen content in these supplements usually came from animal origins.

No doubt collagen can support and maintain the skin structure so as to offer a smooth, wrinkle-less appearance.

But for a product with dubious claims, budget-conscious consumers will do well to think twice for its value for money.

Consumers are generally suggested to take these collagen products for at least 3 months which may cost over a vast range from $200 to $3,500.

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