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The Consumer Council the impending retirement of its ChiefExecutive

  • 2011.12.08

The Consumer Council today (8 December 2011) announced the impending retirement of its Chief Executive, Ms. Connie LAU, who will proceed on pre-retirement leave from October 1, 2012.

Ms. Lau's superb leadership and achievement, in particular in the Council's work in product testing, research and consumer education, has led to an ever-growing consumer awareness, heightened credibility of the Council and increased support in a diverse range of consumer advocacy work.

Paying tribute to the excellent work of Ms Lau, Professor the Hon. Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Council said, 'We are greatly indebted to Connie for her long and exemplary service in protecting and promoting consumer interest and welfare. She has served the Consumer Council with impeccable integrity, energy and devotion, and is held in high esteem by her colleagues and associates, as well as our external stakeholders. At the global level, Connie plays an active role in the Council and Executive Committee of Consumers International, displaying strong leadership in the consumer movement worldwide.'

The Council has engaged an executive search firm to conduct a global search for a successor to Ms. Lau. A Search Committee has been established comprising the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and some Members of the Council, as well as a representative of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau as observer. After the Council has selected a candidate upon recommendation of the Search Committee, the appointment requires the approval by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in accordance with section 10(1) and 4(a) of the Consumer Council Ordinance (Chapter 216).

Job Advertisements will be published on SCMP and Ming Pao on 10 December, 2011 with an application deadline of 31 December, 2011.