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Appointment of new Chief Executive

  • 2012.08.16

The Consumer Council today (16 August 2012) announced the appointment of Ms. Gilly WONG Fung Han as the new Chief Executive, effective from 16 November, 2012.

Graduated with a Bachelor degree of Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Master degree of Business Administration from Richard Ivey School of Business, Ms. WONG is currently the General Manager, MICE & Cruise, of Hong Kong Tourism Board. She possesses over 22 years of experience in various management functions and has worked in information technology and telecommunications, service and utility industries, and currently tourism promotion.

The appointment of Ms. WONG followed open advertisements in December last year, and an extensive search of candidates by the firm Korn/Ferry International. The recruitment exercise was steered by a Search Committee comprising the Council Chairman, Vice Chairman, 5 Members of the Council and an official of Commerce and Economic Development Bureau as observer.

The appointment has been approved by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development under authority delegated to him by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with section 10(1) and (4)(a) of the Consumer Council Ordinance (Chapter 216).

The Council Vice Chairman, Mr. Ambrose HO, said it has been a comprehensive recruitment process. "Ms. Wong shares the vision and mission of the Consumer Council, and has pledged to work towards the promotion of consumer protection. We are confident in Ms. Wong's ability to foster close partnership with various stakeholders in bringing about fair trading practices for the benefit of consumers. "

While welcoming Ms. WONG on her appointment, the Council Vice Chairman, Mr. Ambrose HO, also took the opportunity to express deep gratitude, on behalf of the Council, to the outgoing Chief Executive, Ms. Connie LAU, for her truly outstanding service in protecting and promoting consumer interest and welfare.

Ms. LAU has led the Council with dedication and has long been a most effective advocate in the promotion of consumer-protection laws. It is thus particularly gratifying to note that the Council's efforts have been paid off with the recent enactment of three significant legislation, namely the Competition Ordinance, the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance and the Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance, during Ms. LAU's tenure.

"We are truly thankful to Ms. Lau for her many contributions to the Council. We sincerely wish her the very best and every success in her future endeavours," he added.