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Call for Product Labelling on Toilet Rolls to FacilitateComparative Shopping - CHOICE # 444

  • 2013.10.15

Toilet rolls are often on special offer but are sometimes not quite what they should be.

A common marketing practice is the offer of promotional pack of 12 rolls - 2 rolls more than the regular 10-roll pack - with claims of "12 for the price of 10" or "+2 free".

But the truth is, as revealed in a Consumer Council test, that while it does offer more toilet paper it is not quite the 20% increase in quantity that consumers have come to reasonably - and rightly - expect.

In the test, it was shown that based on checking of 3 models of different brands of toilet paper (2 of 3-ply and 1 of 2-ply), not one model could measure up to the consumers' expectation of a 20% increase in net weight (less packaging and the cone) of toilet paper.

The actual measured increase was at best 17.5%, followed by 15.5% and the least with only 2.6% more.

The reason is simple: a toilet roll in a promotional 12-roll pack does not have the same quantity of paper as a toilet roll in a regular 10-roll pack. In this case, the quantity was less.

This practice could lead to consumer dissatisfaction over the diminished quantity of their toilet rolls.

The problem may have stemmed from the general absence of product information on packaging. The Mainland Standard on bathroom tissue GB 20810 requires that toilet paper be labeled with information on the size of sheets and net weight or the number of sheets, to facilitate comparative shopping.

Such requirements, however, are not in place in Hong Kong. In the test, only less than half (11 out of 25 models) were labeled with gross weight information on the pack but only some individually on each roll. But none were expressed in net weight.

Toilet rolls are deceptively similar in appearance. The test has uncovered vast quantifiable differences in many aspects among the samples, which are of useful reference to consumers in their choice of the product:

- In price per 100 g net weight, it varied from $1.5 to $3.4, on average, a differential of $1.9.
- In net weight per roll, the variation was from 89 g to 191 g, on average, a differential of 102 g.
- In the number of sheets per roll, it varied from 167 to 349, a difference of 182 sheets.
- In the length and total area per roll, the variations ranged from 19.9 m to 40.3 m and from 2 m2 to 4.4 m2, a difference of 20.4 m and 2.4 m2 respectively.

But the choice of toilet paper is more than just price and size, quality, performance and even hygiene aspect should also be taken into consideration. A user trial was also included in the test to assess softness.

In the test, the paper strength (tearing strength, dry and wet tensile strength) of 4-ply toilet rolls was rated better than the 3-ply or 2-ply models.

Three models were found with migrated fluorescent substances (used to enhance the whiteness of the paper) which could cause skin allergy to users with sensitive skin.

Wide disparity was also found in disintegration-in-water performance which may be of concern to consumers if their toilet drainage is prone to blockage.

The environmentally conscious will be delighted to find the availability of more eco-friendly toilet paper in the market. Two models in the test made claim of 100% recycled paper content while a few other samples bore the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) logo indicating that the paper is derived from sustainably managed forests.

Last but not least, one model was detected to be contaminated with a group of bacteria known as hemolytic streptococci. Since no aseptic procedure is performed during the manufacture and packing of toilet paper, consumers are cautioned not to use toilet paper on open wound or broken skin to avoid the risk of infection.

The Council has forwarded its test findings on toilet paper for consideration of the Customs and Excise Department, the enforcement authority on the Trade Descriptions Ordinance and the Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance.

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