Many people tone up their bodies through jogging which, however, may inevitably strain their legs. A suitable pair of running shoes is therefore needed to protect ankles and joints. According to the latest running shoes test report published in CHOICE, higher price may not be related to better performance. In fact, consumers should choose their running shoes based on their physique and actual needs.
The test was conducted by the International Consumer Research & Testing and a German consumer organization Stiftung Warentest on 15 running shoes from 9 brands. 9 of them are neutral running shoes for general users. The remaining 6 are stability running shoes for over-pronated or flat foot runners. The prices ranged from about HK$700 to HK$1,220, representing a difference of about 74%. The weight of each shoe ranged from 278g to 353g, representing a difference of about 27%.
The laboratory test programme covered biomechanics, pressure distribution and durability. The evaluation was performed by experts and 24 experienced runners, half of those runners had over-pronated or flat foot.
Based on a 5-point scale, the runners' evaluation was made on the shoes' performance, comfort level and preference. 4 models scored 4 points while 2 got 2.5 points. The 4 models rated highest by the runners belonged to the low-to-mid price range (priced from HK$780 to HK$900). On the other hand, the rating for the most expensive models were just average.
Apart from running, many consumers wear running shoes for daily use. Running shoes with over-pronation support are effective in reducing the strain on knees and the risk of plantar fasciitis. Two models demonstrated the most significant effect in this aspect. One of them which was priced at HK$780 out-performed the expensive models. All stability running shoes were found to have better support for over-pronation compared to the neutral running shoes.
Running shoes with the shock-absorption feature are effective in reducing pressure and strain on joints. The two models which had very significant shock-absorption test performance were priced at HK$1,220 but the other at HK$740 only.
The expert assessment on functional elements of the shoes, in terms of design and support, was carried out by orthopedists, sport scientists and orthopedic shoe specialists. The overall ratings were approximately at the same level. Two models scored slightly lower at 3 points, while the rest 13 models scored 3.5 points.
The durability test focused on the flex resistance and bending behavior of the soles, as well as the wear resistance of heel and insole materials. The overall performance among all samples were within a slight margin, ranged from 3 to 4 points. However, a sample at mid-price range (HK$999) scored lowest at 1.5 points only in terms of durability, and trailed with 1 point in respect of bend/flex resistance of the soles.
Marathon grows in popularity in recent years. However, expert does not recommend marathon running shoes except for professional runners. Marathon running shoes are generally weak in protective function, with thin and flat soles. User may be easily injured due to their negligible support for arch of the foot, and lack of cushioning and shock absorption features. The average participants may consider running shoes with thicker soles and better shock absorption function. Besides, consumers should wear athletic shoes corresponding to the needs of specific type of sports to minimize the risk of injury.
Consumers nowadays pay more and more attention to the corporate social responsibility, such as that related to labour treatment and environmental protection. All 9 running shoes manufacturers in the performance test were included in this CSR study. 4 of them refused to disclose any information on labor and environmental conditions in their assembly lines and thus scored at 1 point for their CSR performance.
All manufactures that provided information to the study complied with the laws on statutory minimum wage applicable to the areas where their factories located. 3 of them paid their factory workers above the statutory minimum wage but overtime work was commonly observed. The overtime was particularly serious in 2 factories, but offer overtime compensation, labour insurance and safety training. Individual manufacturers allowed workers to form labour unions or elect worker representatives to protect their rights.
Consumers may consider the following advices at their next running shoes purchase:
- Choose according to their physique and actual needs. For example, flatfoot runner may consider stability running shoes;
- Spend time to collect relevant information, consult staff from the shop, try out different models;
- Expensive, fashionable or famous brands do not necessarily present comprehensive features;
- Consider trying out running shoes in the afternoon, as the size of the feet would be larger after walking. Remember to put on a pair of running socks for the trial.
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