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In Quest of the Perfect Mattress A Plethora of Fees and Charges Embedded in ILAS Products Reduced Price Discounts Impacts on Textbook Expenditure Effectiveness of LED Facial Devices under Scrutiny Beware of Tele-Marketing of Bargain...
The effectiveness of home-use LED (Light-Emitting Diodes) facial devices is at best minimal, and the effects (if any) may not be noticeable on every user, according to a study of the Consumer Council. Increasingly being marketed for use by consumers...
Imagine the perfect mattress that fits you seamlessly to fall into deep slumber every night - in other words, the bed of your dream that you hope one day to find. Help is at hand from the Consumer Council with its release of a comparative test report...
Textbook retailers have cut back on their price discounts, in some cases up to 7%, a move that adds to the heavy burden of parents on textbook expenditure for this academic year 2013/14. According to the annual textbook expenditure survey of the...
The Consumer Council today (September 11) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 45 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Lam Tin. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the...
The Consumer Council today (September 4) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 45 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Wan Chai. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the...
The Consumer Council today (August 28) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 45 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Sheung Shui. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the...
The Consumer Council today (August 25) rolled out a new wave of p...