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The Consumer Council today (June 15) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Yuen Long. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the...
Maternity services in private hospitals have expanded both in price and in luxury. This was borne out in two separate surveys conducted by the Consumer Council on maternity packages in private hospitals in 2002 and 2010 respectively. According to the...
The public has given the Consumer Council high marks and great support for its research and testing work in the evaluation of consumer goods and services. A high level of consumers' trust and satisfaction in this area of work was reported in a recent...
The Consumer Council today (June 9) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Tsuen Wan. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the most...
The Consumer Council today (June 2) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Cheung Sha Wan. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the...
The Consumer Council today (May 26) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Shau Kei Wan. In the analysis were listed the top 10 products with the...
The Consumer Council has received so far (14 to 19 May) a total of 142 cases of complaints concerning the closure of Planet Yoga, involving a total amount of $1,562,433. Due to the sudden closure of the above company, the Council advises...
The Consumer Council today (May 19) released its weekly price survey on a basket of 40 food and household items available at major supermarket chains and other retail outlets in Tung Chung. In the analysis were listed the top 11 products with the...