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Safety Test on Pressure Cookers - CHOICE # 416

  • 2011.06.15

The June issue of CHOICE releases results of the latest safety test on pressure cookers.

The test covered a total of 9 samples that claimed to be suitable for use in gas stove, induction cooktops and ceramic glass electric cooktops. Their retail prices ranged from HK$328 to HK$3,600. None of the tested models, on a 5-point scale, scored full marks in the overall assessment.

  • Test items included working pressure, performance, construction and endurance, safety and ease of use. Highlights of the results are:
  • The temperature of metal handles of one sample was found to have exceeded the upper limit of the standard requirement.
  • The hot metal screw at the handle of another sample could be reached by the test probe.
  • The energy efficiency of one sample was not as good as the others.
  • One sample had low score in the evenness and deformation resistance of pot bottom.

The pressure resistance test aimed at finding out if the samples could withstand high pressure in case of malfunctioning of the pressure control device and safety valves. All samples passed the test with no permanent deformation or destruction.

There were accidents of pressure cooker explosions in the past that were suspected to be related to careless or improper use of the cook wares. To ensure safety, consumers are advised to take note of the followings when using pressure cookers:

  • Check the steam vent before use to make sure it is free and clear of any food particles.
  • At the end of cooking, turn off the heat and depressurize the cooker.
  • When cooking liquid food like congee, soup or food that would expand during cooking, do not depressurize the pressure cooker by opening the steam vent to quickly release the steam. Otherwise the liquid inside the pressure cooker may jet out with the steam or the steam vent may be blocked with the expanded food. User should depressurize the cooker by turning off the heat and let it cool down naturally.
  • Use original gasket or rubber seal and replace regularly.
  • To avoid deformation of gasket or rubber seal, the lid should be reversed and placed on the cooker when it is not in use.

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