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Leaching of Contaminants Found in Melamine-ware - CHOICE # 416

  • 2011.06.15

Melamine-ware is nice-looking and durable but consumers are cautioned to use the tableware with care. In a test conducted by the Consumer Council, contaminants such as formaldehyde and melamine monomer were found leaching from the utensils.

The Consumer Council tested 39 models of melamine-ware including bowls, plates and chopsticks, with prices ranging from HK$ 2 to HK$ 50. The test revealed that 9 models did not comply with the Mainland's hygienic standard.

Migration of formaldehyde was detected in 5 models of bowl and chopstick with the migration level from 0.67 to 10.6mg/dm2. Among them, the migration level of formaldehyde in 3 samples (2 bowl and 1 chopstick samples) exceeded the limits specified by the Mainland and European Union (EU) standards, in which one bowl model was detected with excessive level of migration of formaldehyde (3.2 times over the permissible limit of both standards).

Formaldehyde may also exist naturally in food such as vegetables, meats, fish and crustaceans. Ingestion of a small amount of formaldehyde is unlikely to cause acute adverse health effect. However, intake of a large amount may result in severe abdominal pain, vomiting, coma, renal injury etc.

The Council's test also revealed that migration of melamine monomer was found in 3 plate, 5 bowl and 1 chopstick models, in which only 1 bowl model leached the melamine monomer (0.22 mg/dm2) slightly higher than the limit of the Mainland's hygienic standard (0.2 mg/dm2) but still within the EU limit.

Addition of melamine in food is not approved and the tolerable daily intake (TDI) is 0.2 mg per kg of body weight under the advice of the World Health Organization. Taking an example of an adult of 60 kg in weight, the TDI for melamine should be 12 mg per day.

Formaldehyde and melamine are commonly used in the manufacture of melamine-ware. Deficiencies in the production process may lead to excessive migration of contaminants from the tableware to food which it contains.

The latest issue of CHOICE offers tips for using melamine-wares:

  • Use melamine-ware according to product specifications and instructions.
  • Do not use melamine-ware with a broken or damaged surface.
  • Do not use melamine-ware for heating or cooking and do not use in microwave and conventional oven.
  • Avoid using melamine-ware to hold hot oil or highly acidic food. If it is to be used for holding hot deep-fried food, let the food cool down before putting in the melamine-ware container.
  • Do not use abrasive detergent and cleaning tools or strong chemicals to clean melamine-ware, as they will damage the surface while cleaning.

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