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Two More Convictions for Selling Counterfeit Drugs - CHOICE # 431

  • 2012.09.17

The Consumer Council released the information of 2 convicted cases for selling counterfeit drugs in June this year. The 2 shops involved are located in the New Territories.

One of the convicted shops, which located in Tai Po, was involved in another case of selling counterfeit drugs. The Council had named this shop and its address in February 2011 in the CHOICE magazine (Issue 412) and the Council's website.

Particulars of shops involved in selling counterfeit drugs:

 Names and Addresses of Shops InvolvedNames of Counterfeit Drugs Involved
1.Chung Kong Pharmacy
G/F, 4 San Kan Street,
Sheung Shui
Forged Trademark Applied
2.Hang Cheong Medicine Company*
G/F, 32 On Fu Road,
Tai Po
Forged Trademark Applied

* The shop was convicted for selling counterfeit drugs in April 2010.

According to the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, it is a serious offence to sell or supply goods with forged trademark or false trade description. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of HK$500,000 and imprisonment for 5 years.

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