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Online Dating : Be Vigilant of Personal Data Privacy and Auto-Renewal Payment - CHOICE # 449

  • 2014.03.17

Online dating services are proliferating to cater to a vast market of singles looking for friendship or even a future partner in marriage. But is online dating safe?

A total of 22 complaints against dating services were brought to the notice of the Consumer Council last year. There were 8 cases in 2012, and 7 cases in 2011.

The nature of complaints involved was not concerned directly with safety issues but with service quality and in particular over termination of membership, and disputes over fees and charges.

Cybercrimes and scams are, however, not uncommon these days. In using online dating service, consumers should therefore be cautious and remain vigilant when in contact with strangers in the virtual world, as in the real world, at all times.

Online dating services are in growing demand. According to the 2011 Population Census, the proportions of never-married male and female in the prime marriageable ages (between 20 and 49) increased significantly from 39.3% and 34% in 2001 to 46.8% and 38.9% in 2011 respectively.

The Council has undertaken a survey of 24 websites offering services of online dating/online matchmaking, speed dating, and one-to-one dating/personal matching. Most websites required online registration of membership or application for services, and the scale and mode of payment varied from one to another.

Personal data privacy is obviously a priority area of concern to consumers. According to the survey, most service providers would only use such data for providing relevant dating/matching services, and conducting market research and analysis.

Some providers revealed, however, that they may use such private information (and photos) for advertising, or disclose the personal data to the parent companies or their subsidiaries.

Consumers are advised to check out carefully the privacy policies and terms and conditions before joining an online dating website.

Consumers should also be wary that the authenticity of members' information has no guarantee, although most service providers stipulated that they would accept only singletons, and people who are married or have bad intentions would not be welcomed.

In fact, some providers disclaimed any responsibilities or obligations to screen or verify the accuracy of personal information of members or participants. Such disclaimers could be found in some online dating websites.

Another area of concern, as indicated in the Council's complaint cases, related to the issue of auto-renewal of membership and subsequent charges drawn from your credit card account registered with the service providers.

Out of 6 websites offering online dating services, 5 had auto-renewal terms for continuation of membership and payment. Unless specific procedures for membership cancellation were taken prior to expiration, the membership would be extended indefinitely and payment charged accordingly.

In one case, the complainant joined a 7-day VIP membership service at a fee of $40. Upon expiry, he ceased to use the service which was duly terminated by the website. Later he was shocked to find that the web had, without his consent, deducted from his credit card account $40 every 7 days for altogether 6 times totally $240.

Upon the Council's conciliation, he was refunded the $240. Consumers should therefore check their credit card account after cancellation of their membership to safeguard against such abuse.

An online dating website was found to set a default option "agree" for regular deduction of payment from the credit card account registered in its payment webpage. If consumers overlook and fail to switch to the "disagree" option, payment for extending the service would become automatic.

Participants in speed dating should take note of the need to present the proof of payment (paid in advance) on the day of the event or activity. In the event the function being postponed due to insufficient turnout, only some service providers would arrange refund upon request but most would neither mention nor guarantee full refund.

As with other services provided online, consumers should always take sensible steps to protect their personal data privacy especially in the ways such private information will be put to use, and to watch out for any "unauthorized" payments which could arise under the service term of automatic renewal of memberships.

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