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  • 2011.04.04
  • 于香港举行的消费者运动全球会议进入最后准备阶段
  • 香港特别行政区行政长官曾荫权先生将为会议揭幕
  • 可持续消费及公平金融服务为首要议题

欧洲委员会气候行动专员赫泽高(Connie Hedegaard)将于5月3日至6日在香港举行的国际消费者联会第19届全球会议开幕礼上,发表主题演讲。


其他讲者包括联合利华大中国区总裁Alan Jope先生、世界银行消费者保障部总裁Sue Rutledge女士、国际消联前主席及社运领袖Anwar Fazal先生、美国消费者联会主席James Guest先生、以及The Futures Agency行政总裁Gred Leonhard先生。



国际消费者联会总干事Joost Martens说:




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  • 国际消费者联会(国际消联)是为全球消费者发声的独立组织,其220多个会员组织来自115个国家。国际消联建构一个强大的国际消费者运动,协助保障与强化各地的消费者利益。
  • 香港消费者委员会于1976年加入国际消联,1978年成为理事会成员,自1994年起为执委会成员。
  • 国际消联第19届全球会议将于5月3日至6日于香港会议展览中心举行。首日为附带会议,第二及第三日为正式会议,第四日为国际消联会员大会。会议详情已上载至
  • 国际消联全球会议每四或五年举行一次,会议包括于会员大会选出主席、理事会及执委会成员。
  • 上届会议于2007年在悉尼举行。国际消联全球会议曾于1991年在香港举行,与香港消费者委员会合办。
    • 讲者及主持人名单如下:
      Alan Jope, Chairman, Unilever in China
      Alejandro Calvillo, Executive Director, El Poder del Consumidor (Mexico)
      Anna Glayzer, Programme Officer (Food safety and Nutrition), Consumers International
      Anthony Cheung, Chairman, Hong Kong Consumer Council
      Anwar Fazal, civil-society leader and former CI President
      Bart Combée, President, Consumentenbond
      Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, EU Commission
      David Hammerstein, intellectual property advisor, Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue, and former Spanish MEP
      Diana Tsui, CSR Director, KPMG
      Gerd Billen, Executive Director, The Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv)
      Gerd Leonhard, The Futures Agency
      Guido Adriaenssens, Chief Executive Officer, International Consumer Research and Testing (ICRT)
      H C Yang, Vice President & Secretary General, China Consumers Association
      Hassan Qaqaya, Chief, Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Section, Competition Law and Policy and Consumer Protection Section, UNCTAD
      Helio Mattar, Founder, Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption (Brazil)
      Indrani Thuraisingham, Head of CI Office for Asia Pacific and the Middle East, Consumers International
      Jaiok Kim, President, Consumers Korea
      James Guest, CEO, Consumers Union of United States
      Jami Solli, specialist on financial services in consumer protection law
      Jan Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Adviser (Norway), The Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED)
      Jean Halloran, Consumers Union of United States
      Jens Henriksson, International Officer, Swedish Consumers' Association
      Jeremy Malcolm, Access to Knowledge Programme Coordinator, Consumers International
      Jonathon Hanks, University of Cape Town
      Jørgen Schlundt, Deputy Director, National Food Institute, Denmark
      Justin Macmullan, Head of Campaigns, Consumers International
      Lisa Gunn, Executive Director, Brazilian Institute for Consumer Defence (IDEC)
      Niall Dunne, former Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Sustainability
      Norma McCormick, Chair, ISO Committee on Consumer Policy (COPOLCO)
      Peter Kell, Chair, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
      Premila Kumar, Chief Executive, Consumer Council of Fiji
      Rasmus Kjeldahl, Executive Director, Danish Consumer Council
      Ratnvi, Deputy Secretary General, Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA)
      Rehan Saiyed, Storm Corporate Design Limited
      Richard Henry Kimera, Chief Executive, Consent
      Robert Welford, Chairman, CSR Asia
      Robin Simpson, Senior Policy Advisor, Consumers International
      Samuel Ochieng, President, CIN Kenya and Consumers International
      Stefan Larenas R, President, Organisation of Consumers and Users of Chile (ODECU)
      Sue Rutledge, Director of Consumer Protection, World Bank
      Sunil Abraham, Executive Director, Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India
      Thami Bolani, Chairman, National Consumer Forum (South Africa)

Luke Upchurch :
+44 796 894 9327

李少媚 :
+852 2856 8589